Help your customers love you mooore
Landing page, online menu & reviews for your restaurant in one app.
What can Getify do?
New clients
Each Getify user will see your place on the map. We also suggest the nearest places to eat in or out, so we’ve got your back here.
Contact reduction
Let your manager do some other work. With Getify, clients can book a table, order food to go, or even take it to the car.
Create banners showing your specialties, offers, and any kind of information to make you stand out.
People love to share their opinions, and we give them this opportunity. Get feedback and ideas on your service and dishes.
Landing page
Online menu
Fill in the landing page we have for your restaurant. That’s it. No designers or developers. Just add information, and you are good to go.
Add dishes and describe them in detail: ingredients, allergens, and how they alter taste buds.
How does it work?
The client picks how to order: eat-in, takeaway, or drive-in.
Your kitchen gets the order and starts cooking.
Receiving the order
The client gets the tastiest and most desired dish and can immediately savor it without a rush.
Our friends
We are proud and happy to have more than 100 businesses that chose Getify! Woo-hoo!
Join Getify!
+371 291 70 671
© 2024 Getify
SIA GOOSE ir noslēdzis līgumu Nr. BIZIN-I-2022/162 ar Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūru par inkubācijas atbalsta saņemšanu projektā „Reģionālie biznesa inkubatori un radošo industriju inkubators”, projekta identifikācijas numurs ietvaros, ko līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.